Interactive German Learning

Improve your German skills with TUtor International while having a fun time.:

Speak only in German

Nur auf Deutsch reden

Speaking only in German will help to gain more confidence. We are all learning together and helping each other. You will also be learning new words which you can use in your sentences.

Ask questions

Fragen stellen

Ask questions and clear your doubts. We are a team made of native speakers and also internationals, we can answer you from both perspectives.

Have fun

Spaß haben

The main focus of our event is to have fun. You will meet new people who are as motivated as you in learning German. Together we can make learning German fun.

Tips and tricks, how you can learn German by yourself!

Find yourself one book to read

15 mins of reading per day can make difference. After reading you can exchange your book with a friend.

Make a friend to practice

Find someone with whom you can practice your speaking skills. Write down the sentences if needed as help material.

Try to watch a movie in German

You can watch 30 mins per day. It will help improve your listening skills and enhance your ability to get the context

Sentence memo

Try to memorize very often used sentences and use them in your daily routine. Do not forget the connectives and verbs at the right place.

Our SDL Team:

Our team is a combination of native speakers and internationals to make sure that we offer you both perspectives on how to understand and learn the language.



SDL Gallery:

Memories From Past Events

About Us

We are a diverse group of students motivated to enhance your experience at the University by offering several types of events.

Quick Contact

Address: Hochschulstraße 1, S103/53, 64283 Darmstadt


Contact Number: 06151 - 16-76964